英文作者:Zhang Xi1 Yan Hua1 Liu Qing1 Qian Weixiu1 Fu Yuting1 Zou Xiaoguang1 Wu Xiaojian1,2
单位:1新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区第一人民医院,喀什844000; 2中山大学附属第六医院,广州510655
英文单位:1The First People′s Hospital of Kashgar Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Kashgar 844000, China; 2the Sixth Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou 510655, China
中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会以来,针对喀什地区医疗卫生工作相对落后的状况,广东省医疗人才“组团式”援疆“刚柔并济”,采用“科教兴院”“导师带徒”“粤喀智联”等多种方式帮扶喀什地区第一人民医院(以下简称喀地一院)医教研管全方位发展,带动喀什地区医疗卫生服务水平实现了跨越式发展:2012年喀地一院成为新疆南部地区首家三甲医院;2018年,成为中山大学的非直属附属医院;2020年入选第二批国家区域医疗中心建设试点备选项目。2016年以来,广东省共向喀地一院选派计划内援疆医疗人才177人,85%以上人员为高级职称,创建了25个自治区临床重点专科。多措并举之下,喀地一院诊疗能力大幅提升,各项核心指标持续增长:门急诊总人次数由2012年的56.75万例增长至2021年的91.02万例。入院患者人数由2012年的7.02万例增至2021年的8.30万例,三四级手术比例提高至61.59%,地区医疗水平显著提高。艾力彼医院综合排名由2016年1 000名以外迅速攀升至2021年163名。援疆医疗队积极引入广东省医疗人才培育先进经验,全面规范喀地一院教学管理体系与规培基地建设,同步带动提升本地师资和学员水平,助理全科医生培训结业考核合格率始终保持在80%以上,住院医师规范化培训结业考核合格率由2017年的25.9%迅速攀升至2020年的81.0%,为全疆各地输送了大批基础扎实、素质过硬的高水平医学人才,人才培养逐步从“输血”向“造血”转变,留下一支带不走的医疗队,为边疆各族人民提供全方位全周期健康服务,更好助力健康中国战略实施。
Since the 18th Communist Party of China National Congress, Guangdong medical talents have "organized groups" to assist Xinjiang and coupled "strength and flexibility", through "science and education to revitalize institutes" "mentors to lead students" "Guangdong and Kashgar wisdom union" and other approaches to support comprehensive development in medicine, education, research and management in the First People′s Hospital of Kashgar. It brings cross-over development of the level of medical and health services in Kashgar. In 2012, the hospital became class 3 hospital in south of Xinjiang first. In 2018, the hospital became a non-affiliated hospital of Sun Yat-sen University. In 2020, the hospital was selected as the second batch of pilot projects for the construction of national regional medical centers. Since 2016, Guangdong Province has sent 177 medical talents to the First People′s Hospital of Kashgar, more than 85% of whom have senior professional titles, and created 25 key clinical specialties in the autonomous region. Through multiple measures, the diagnosis and treatment capacity of the First People′s Hospital of Kashgar has been greatly improved, and various core indicators have continued to grow: the total number of outpatient and emergency cases has increased from 567 500 in 2012 to 910 200 in 2021, and the number of admissions has increased from 70 200 in 2012 to 83 000 in 2021, and the proportion of surgeries class 3 and 4 increased to 61.59%, the hospital′s rank in Ailibi comprehensive ranking has risen rapidly from outside 1 000 in 2016 to 163 in 2021. The Xinjiang aid medical team actively introduced the advanced experience in the cultivation of medical talents from Guangdong Province, comprehensively standardized the teaching management system and the construction of the training base of the hospital, and simultaneously promoted the qualification rate over 80% in local teacher qualification and general physician assistant closing assessment. The pass rate of resident standardized training completion assessment has rapidly risen from 25.9% in 2017 to 81.0% in 2020, and a large number of high-level medical talents with solid foundation and excellent quality have been delivered to all parts of Xinjiang. Talent training has gradually shifted from "blood transfusion" transforming to "hematopoiesis", leaving a medical team that cannot be taken away, providing all-round and full-cycle health services for people of all ethnic groups in the frontier, and better assisting the implementation of the Healthy China strategy.
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