英文作者:Wang Xin Liu Lu Zhang Xiaomei Wang Yang Yang Dan Li Hui
英文单位:Department of Endocrinology Shaanxi Provincial People′s Hospital Xi′an 710068 China
目的 探讨阿托伐他汀联合二甲双胍治疗肥胖型多囊卵巢综合征的效果。方法 连续招募2021年9月至2023年10月陕西省人民医院收治的150例肥胖型多囊卵巢综合征患者,根据随机数字表法将所有患者分为观察组和对照组,每组75例。对照组给予二甲双胍治疗,观察组给予阿托伐他汀联合二甲双胍治疗。比较2组临床总有效率、体格指标、性激素指标、脂代谢指标、胰岛素抵抗指标水平和不良反应发生情况。结果 观察组总有效率高于对照组[90.7%(68/75)比78.7%(59/75)],差异有统计学意义(P=0.041)。治疗后,2组患者的腰围和体重指数均低于治疗前,且观察组均低于对照组(均P<0.05)。治疗后,观察组血清睾酮、黄体生成素、雌二醇水平均低于对照组,促卵泡生成素水平高于对照组(均P<0.05)。治疗后,2组患者脂代谢指标均较治疗前显著改善,且观察组总胆固醇、甘油三酯、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平均显著低于对照组,而高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平高于对照组(均P<0.05)。治疗后,2组患者空腹血糖、空腹胰岛素、稳态模型胰岛素抵抗指数均显著降低,且观察组均显著低于对照组(均P<0.05)。2组不良反应发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.575)。结论 阿托伐他汀联合二甲双胍治疗肥胖型多囊卵巢综合征效果良好,可降低患者体格指标水平,改善性激素、脂代谢、胰岛素抵抗水平,治疗安全性良好。
Objective To investigate the effect of atorvastatin combined with metformin in the treatment of obese polycystic ovary syndrome. Methods A total of 150 patients with obese polycystic ovary syndrome admitted to Shaanxi Provincial People′s Hospital from September 2021 to October 2023 were consecutively recruited. According to the random number table method, all cases were divided into observation group and control group, with 75 cases in each group. The control group was treated with metformin, and the observation group was treated with atorvastatin combined with metformin. The total clinical effective rate, physical indicators, sex hormone indicators, lipid metabolism indicators, insulin resistance indicators and adverse reactions of the two groups were recorded. Results The total effective rate of the observation group was higher than that of the control group [90.7%(68/75) vs 78.7%(59/75)](P=0.041). After treatment, the waist circumference and body mass index of the two groups were lower than those before treatment, and the observation group were lower than those of the control group (all P<0.05). After treatment, the levels of serum testosterone, luteinizing hormone and estradiol in the observation group were lower than those in the control group, and the level of follicle-stimulating hormone was higher than that in the control group (all P<0.05). After treatment, the lipid metabolism indexes of the two groups were significantly improved compared with those before treatment, and the levels of total cholesterol, triglyceride, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group, while the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level was higher than that in the control group (all P<0.05). After treatment, the insulin resistance indexes of the two groups were significantly decreased, and the fasting blood glucose, fasting insulin, and homeostasis model insulin resistance index of the observation group were significantly lower than those of the control group (all P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups (P=0.575). Conclusion Atorvastatin combined with metformin is effective in the treatment of obese polycystic ovary syndrome, which can reduce the level of physical indicators, improve the level of sex hormones, lipid metabolism and insulin resistance, and the treatment safety is good.
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