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2018 年第 2 期 第 13 卷








  • 摘要:
  • 目的    探讨丹参总酚酸对心力衰竭大鼠心功能和肾脏血流动力学的影响。方法    将25只清洁级SD雄性大鼠完全随机分为假手术组(5只)和模型组(20只),将模型组中造模成功的15只大鼠完全随机分为模型对照组、福辛普利钠组和丹参总酚酸组,各5只。模型对照组、福辛普利钠组和丹参总酚酸组通过左冠状动脉前降支结扎术制备大鼠心肌梗死后心力衰竭模型,假手术组穿线不结扎,其他步骤与模型对照组相同。各组大鼠术后第4天开始给药,每日早晚各1次,连续灌胃给药60 d。给药60 d后使用超声心动图测定各组大鼠左心室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)、左心室收缩末期内径(LVEDS)、射血分数和短轴收缩率(FS),使用肾脏彩色多普勒测定各组大鼠肾内动脉(肾门部主肾动脉、段动脉、叶间动脉)血流收缩期和舒张期峰速度、阻力指数和加速度。结果    给药60 d后,模型对照组LVEDS明显高于假手术组,射血分数和FS明显低于假手术组[(6.16±2.12)mm比(3.60±0.25)mm,(37±18)%比(65±6)%,(22±11)%比(38±4)%](均P<0.01),模型对照组、福辛普利钠组和丹参总酚酸组LVEDD、LVEDS、射血分数和FS比较,差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。给药60 d后,模型对照组肾段动脉、肾叶间动脉加速度均明显低于假手术组[(6 518±2 870)mm/s2比(16 830±3 255)mm/s2,(5 511±1 275)mm/s2比(17 647±3 887)mm/s2](均P<0.01);丹参总酚酸组肾段动脉血流收缩期峰速度、血流舒张期峰速度明显高于模型对照组[(279±102)mm/s比(158±37)mm/s、(138±61)mm/s比(77±19)mm/s](均P<0.05);模型对照组、福辛普利钠组和丹参总酚酸组其余肾动脉血流动力学指标比较,差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论    丹参总酚酸对心肌梗死后心力衰竭大鼠心功能无明显影响,但能够改善大鼠肾脏血流动力学异常。

  • Effect of salvianolic acid on cardiac function and renal hemodynamics in heart failure rats

    Qiu Qi, Cao Jinglin, Wei Yun, Lu Linghui, Hao Xiaoyan, Wang Zhisheng, Wang Yong, Lin Yang

    Clinical Pharmacology Center, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100029, China(Qiu Q, Cao JL, Lin Y); Department of Ultrasonography, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100029, China(Wei Y); the Second Department of Echocardiography, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100029, China(Hao XY); the 21th Ward, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100029, China(Wang ZS); College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China(Lu LH); College of Life of Science, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China(Wang Y)

    Corresponding author: Lin Yang, Email: linyang3623@163.com

    【Abstract】Objective    To investigate the effect of salvianolic acid on cardiac function and renal hemodynamics in heart failure rats. Methods    Twenty-five clean grade male SD rats were randomly divided into sham operation group(5 rats) and model group(20 rats); 15 rats were randomly divided into model control group, fosinopril sodium group and salvianolic acid group, with 5 rats in each group. Heart failure rat models were prepared by left anterior descending coronary ligation. Medical treatments were started on the 4th day after operation, 2 times/d in the morning and before bedtime. After 60 d of treatments, left ventricular end-diastolic diameter(LVEDD), left ventricular end-systolic dimension(LVEDS), ejection fraction(EF) and fractional shortening(FS) measured by echocardiogram, and blood flow systolic peak velocity, diastolic peak velocity, resistance index and accelerated speed of intrarenal arteries (main artery of renal hilum, segmental artery, interlobar artery) mensurated by color Doppler were analyzed. Results    After 60 d of drug treatment, LVEDS in model control group was significantly higher, and EF and FS were significantly lower than those in sham operation group[(6.16±2.12)mm vs(3.60±0.25)mm, (37±18)% vs(65±6)%, (22±11)% vs(38±4)%](P<0.01); LVEDD, LVEDS, EF and FS had no significant differences among model control group, fosinopril sodium group and salvianolic acid group(P>0.05). Blood flow accelerated speeds of renal segmental artery and interlobar artery in model control group were significantly lower than those in sham operation group[(6 518±2 870)mm/s2 vs (16 830±3 255)mm/s2, (5 511±1 275)mm/s2 vs(17 647±3 887)mm/s2](P<0.01); systolic and diastolic peak velocities of segmental artery in salvianolic acid group were significantly higher than those in model control group[(279±102)mm/s vs(158±37)mm/s, (138±61)mm/s vs (77±19)mm/s](P<0.05); there were no significant differences of other renal hemodynamic indexes among model control group, fosinopril sodium group and salvianolic acid group(P>0.05). Conclusions    alvianolic acid shows no positive effect on cardiac function but it can improve renal hemodynamic state in heart failure rats. 

    【Key words】Heart failure;Salvianolic acid;Heart function;Renal hemodynamics

    【Fund program】National Natural Science Foundation of China(81403200); "Qingmiao" Project of Beijing Municipal Administration of Hospitals(QML20150603)

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